Our training offerings provide our clients with the skills and training they need. We customize courses and work around client’s schedules to ensure best possible training for our clients. Specialized content helps our clients develop deeper skills in process risk management and higher level of expertise within their job roles.

We offer training courses on process safety management and risk management topics. These courses are available for delivery either online or onsite at our client’s facilities.


Process Hazard Analysis – HAZOP Methodology for Team Leaders

Representative list of topics include:

  • Basic Concepts
  • Lessons learned from past industrial accidents
  • Overview of PSM along with regulation
  • Hazard identification and risk assessment
  • Structured hazard analysis tools and techniques
  • HAZOP – Detailed Methodology
  • Team Leadership and PHA Study Organization
  • Facilitator – qualities, role and responsibilities
  • Determining documentation requirements
  • PHA documentation, team personalities, report preparation
  • PHA Workshop
    • Hands-on PHA workshop experience within PHA Pro software
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